\u00bfA\u00fan no has asistido a un curso en nuestra escuela?<\/strong> Puede encontrar m\u00e1s opiniones de nuestros estudiantes en nuestra p\u00e1gina de Facebook<\/strong>, en Googlemaps<\/strong> y en Tripadvisor<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Usted era un estudiante de Instituto Il David? <\/strong> Estoy muy contento con el curso. Ha cubierto todas las expectativas que ten\u00eda. Me gusta mucho el m\u00e9todo utilizado. Las profesoras que me han impartido la lecci\u00f3n son muy buenas. Lo recomiendo a todo el mundo. Gracias!!! 10 sobre 10<\/p>\n \n Victor M.<\/strong>Espa\u00f1a<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n I liked the school position in town, the course was short due to work but still I learned more than what I thought I can in 7 days. Teachers were kind and polite always energetic and they don\u2019t mind to explain once or more.<\/p>\n \n Wael A.<\/strong>Saudi Arabia<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Les cours sont clairs. Les enseignantes sont \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9coute. L\u2019\u00e9cole est agr\u00e9able et accueillante. Je le recommanderai \u00e0 d\u2019autres personnes. Merci pour tout. Parfait, Maria est vraiment sympathique, son appartement est confortable et pratique.<\/p>\n \n St\u00e9phanie D.<\/strong>France<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Mi piace molto questa scuola! Il corso \u00e8 buono: molto chiaro e ho imparato molto. Gli insegnanti sono gentile e molto buono ad insegnare. Mi piace anche le attivit\u00e0 extrascolastiche. Sono stata a questa scuola 2 e 3 anni fa e anche quest\u2019anno era di nuovo un\u2019esperienza ottima! Mi \u00e8 piaciuto l\u2019appartamento molto e la zona era ottima!<\/p>\n \n Wieke R.<\/strong>Olanda<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Ich habe mich sehr wohlgef\u00fchlt in dieser Schule. Die kleinen Klassen finde ich super. Die Lehrerinnen haben viel Geduld, waren sehr angenehm. Ich diese Schule weiter empfehlen. Gerne komme ich wieder einmal wieder. Herzlichen Dank an alle!<\/p>\n \n Ursula H.<\/strong>Schweiz<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n After 1 month I am very satisfied with the school and my progress. The first week was too difficult but after changing my level, I understood a lot more and was able to gain confidence. Chiara is very good at explaining grammar. The conversation class was very fun although sometimes I would like to practice the grammar forms I learnt earlier. Both teachers were excellent. The school runs very good after school activities. I hope to return. Laura was the perfect host for me. It was better than I expected. She cooked dinner for me senza glutine and speaks English and Italian which was very helpful. For older people who want a quiet, relaxing place with a friendly host it is perfect. Also the location is amazing, in the middle of Firenze, near Ponte Vecchio & the school! Very clean but keep to her rules! Be respectful, it is a house, not a hotel.<\/p>\n \n Jacqui B.<\/strong>New Zealand<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Las profesoras son muy buenas y simp\u00e1ticas. Solo estuve 3 semanas y puedo decir que aprend\u00ed bastante. Nada negativo que comentar, todo muy bien.<\/p>\n \n Valeria S.<\/strong>Venezuela<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n L\u2019atmosfera nella scuola era molto piacevole. Gli insegnanti erano entusiastici e sembravano di essere interessati ai suoi studenti. I conversazioni sono stati interessanti grazie anche agli studenti di diversi nazionalit\u00e0.<\/p>\n \n Outi S.<\/strong>Finlandia<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n I thought this was a great educational experience. I especially liked the teachers & the placement\u2026 Cio\u00e8, I thought I was in the correct classes both for grammar & conversation. I also enjoyed the group walks at 4:00pm + the wine tasting. Grazie mille!<\/p>\n \n Sarah R.<\/strong>United States<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Schule. Die Lehrer waren kompetent und sehr freundlich. Auch mit den Lernmaterialien bin ich sehr zufrieden. Das Zimmer und die Wohnung waren ger\u00e4umig und sehr gem\u00fctlich. Die Wohnung lag gut, nur 20 Minuten von der Schule entfernt (zu Fu\u00df). Die Gastfamilie war sehr nett und hat gerne und sehr gut gekocht. Die Gastmutter war sehr bem\u00fcht, dass man sich bei ihr wohlf\u00fchlt.<\/p>\n \n Thomas F.<\/strong>Deutschland<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n En la escuela siempre te reciben con una sonrisa y atienden cualquier cosa que necesites. Las clases son muy amenas y pasas muy buenos momentos riendote con los compa\u00f1eros. Una experiencia para repetir. El alojamiento estaba cerca del centro, unos 15\u2019 andando. La se\u00f1ora en cargada del apartamento era muy atenta y servicial.<\/p>\n \n Adri\u00e1n Y.<\/strong>Espa\u00f1a<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n I loved studying here, it really challenged me but I feel that I have learned a lot in my time here. The teachers have been very helpful and patient with me as I struggle to form sentences. I would recommend this school to people who want to learn Italian language in a positive environment. I enjoyed staying with Anna in her appartment. It was in a good location and I could walk to everything, I felt safe! Because my Italian is very limited, we had some minor miscommunications, but she was understanding and I did my best to be polite. Overall she is a very kind and helpful host!<\/p>\n \n Taylor J.<\/strong>USA<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Die Schule habe ich nur eine Woche besucht. Der Unterricht war sehr interessant und gut. Es war im grossen und ganzen eine Wiederholung. Ich f\u00fchle mich in meinen (geringen) wissen best\u00e4tigt. Die Lehrer waren gut vorbereitet und sehr abwechselnd.<\/p>\n \n Mojgan A.<\/strong>Deutschland<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n I really would like to thank Istituto di David for such experience che ho ricevuto. All of my teachers were very helpful and nice. The city is simply wonderful and amazing! The view from the Piazzale di Michelangio is breathtaking and so peaceful. Mi piace molto l\u2019atmosfera della citt\u00e0 che aiuta a vedere tutta la bellezza della cultura Italiana e conoscere la tradizione dei fiorentini! Il mio appartamento era buono e la locazione era molto useful, perche \u00e8 nel centro istorico. Istituto Il David, I wish you all the best in your way of illumination degli stranieri! Good luck!<\/p>\n \n Ksenya B.<\/strong>Russia<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Sto abitando gi\u00e0 3 anni in Italia. Ma prima di venire alla scuola non ho potuto capire e parlare lingua italiana. Ho studiato per 3 mesi. Poi cambiato tutto. Posso leggere i libri italiani anche incontrato tanti amici. Adesso la mia lingua sta sviluppando!! Grazie alla scuola! Mi mancherete tanto. Spero che stiate bene!<\/p>\n \n Hyeran K.<\/strong>Corea sud<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n The intensive program is very good for learning grammar and practicing what you learn. The instructors are knowledgeable, friendly and patient. I am happy I decided to study Italian at this school. I wish I could continue learning Italian at this school. The school is very clean and organize.<\/p>\n \n Stacey J.<\/strong>Canada<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n J\u2019ai pass\u00e9 un agr\u00e9able moment au sein de l\u2019institut. J\u2019ai \u00e9norm\u00e9ment appris en l\u2019espace de trois mois. Les cours \u00e9taient tr\u00e8s bien organis\u00e9s et structur\u00e9s. Ce que j\u2019ai le plus appr\u00e9ci\u00e9, c\u2019est lorsque les professeurs travaillaient ensemble et qu\u2019elles connectaient les le\u00e7ons de grammaire avec les le\u00e7ons de conversation. Ainsi nous pouvions pratiquer et utiliser la grammaire \u00e9tudi\u00e9e les deux heures pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes. Les professeurs \u00e9taient patients et serviables.<\/p>\n \n Ebticem M.<\/strong>France<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n Die Lehrerinnen waren sehr nett und haben sich sehr viel Zeit genommen. Ich habe viel gelernt. Das Programm au\u00dferhalb des Unterrichtes war sehr nett. Das Hotel war einfach aber sauber. Das Personal war sehr nett. Die Lage war Ideal.<\/p>\n \n Anne H.<\/strong>Deutschland<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n I have had a great experience here and have learnt so much, I will miss the school.<\/p>\n \n Alice B.<\/strong>British<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n It was a really nice experience meeting new people & learning more in Italian. I have lived in Egypt a lot \u2013 I wasn\u2019t speaking a lot of Italian because I had no one to talk with \u2013 Now that I came here (Il David) I started to talk better, the teachers are very patient and amazing, I hope I can see every one again. The school is very nice & I have surely made progress.<\/p>\n \n Claudia V.<\/strong>Italia\/USA<\/span> <\/p>\n <\/cite> <\/blockquote>\n
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